Guest Post: Emerging Technologies That Are Making SAT Prep a 21st Century Experience
In recent years, SAT prep has gone high-tech. This has given students many more resources than in the past, virtually making the number of prep tools limitless. Between mobile apps, websites, and eBooks, students have a long list of interactive resources that they are able to take advantage of so they are more prepared for the SAT than ever before.
Some common high-tech study tools include mobile apps, video games and web-based tools.
All three of these tools can work with other study tools and strategies so you can retain as much information as possible prior to taking the SAT. This will reduce the tension and anxiety that can influence the score.
» Mobile Apps
A number of high quality mobile apps have come to the attention of students prepping for the SAT. Most SAT prep mobile applications focus on vocabulary. The vocabulary section of the test can be very difficult because guessing is typically not as successful in this section as it is in other sections, which makes students very nervous. The apps are fun and present platforms that make memorization much easier so that nerves are calmed.
There are also applications that focus on critical reading, writing, and math. Users can compete against other virtual players when answering questions. Practice tests can even predict what the user’s SAT score will be if they perform similarly on the test.
» Video Games
Teenagers love playing video games, so video games have now become a valuable learning tool when it comes to prepping for the SAT. The games that are currently on the market are not intended to be comprehensive SAT study guides, but they are tools that can supplement the work done with a textbook, tutor, or prep course.
As for their functions, players can play their way toward a better SAT score. Video games tend to possess more questions than apps and they offer timed tests. The video games can also cover more areas in math, as well as serve up more vocabulary words.
» Web-Based Tools
Not everyone uses mobile apps or plays video games, but there are some web-based study tools. The makers of the SAT offer such a tool, allowing students to register for the SAT and then take advantage of the study guides and advice that are on the website. Test day simulations, practice tests, and tips and advice are all useful tools that can be found on SAT prep websites.
SAT prep websites also host extensive vocabulary lists. There are different lists available, such as those that identify the most common words that appear on the SAT, the most difficult words, and words that are most commonly missed regardless of their difficulty level.
» Get Interactive
If you are a student or the parent of a student prepping for the SAT, it is good to review the different high-tech resources from apps and websites to video games and videos. You can use as many or as few of these high-tech SAT prep tools to complement the other study strategies that are implemented. This can make SAT prep a lot more entertaining, which will increase memory retention.
With over 15 years of experience as a private tutor and a history of holding master tutor positions with industry leaders in the test prep field, Amy Lucas is a knowledgeable expert and an engaging host for Your Complete SAT Prep Course from Private Tutor. You can find out more about her on Google+ and Twitter.