Edutech for Teachers

Cool Tools for the 21st Century Classroom

Digital Storytelling


As the name implies, digital storytelling it is the practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories. Digital stories typically contain a combination of computer-based images, text, recorded audio narration, video clips and/or music.

So…  Why would I want to incorporate digital storytelling into my classroom?  The real question is – Why not?

Not only can teachers create digital stories to introduce, teach and/or review concepts, but this strategy can be used for a variety of project-based assessments. More importantly, students can demonstrate their understanding of skills acquired during a lesson or unit while having the opportunity to imagine, plan, design, compose and invent – skills all crucial to 21st Century learning. And what a great way to hook reluctant readers and writers in all content areas!

Storytelling can also satisfy the NETS for students in the areas of Creativity & Innovation, Communication & Collaboration, Digital Citizenship, and Technology Operations & Concepts. But most of all, digital storytelling can inspire students!

The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating digital stories, but here are some ideas to consider as potential themes for digital storytelling projects:

Talking Books… Reports on Famous People, Historians, Building, Landmarks, etc… Scientific Processes… Field Trip Diary… My Hero Biographies… Autobiographies… Advertisements… Book Reports… Vocabulary Activities… How-to Directions… Short Stories…  And the list goes on!

The best part about digital storytelling is that this concept can be used at any grade level and in any content area!

Check out my wikispace located at for additional ideas, resources, tips and strategies related to digital storytelling.

Coming soon:  A few of my favorite digital storytelling tools (i.e. Photo Peach, Animoto and Photo Story) along with corresponding classroom projects and examples…

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Hey, edu-tech gurus!

Looking for some technology integration ideas to enhance your classroom lessons? Then be sure to check out my "Tech Tips" for the latest and greatest Web 2.0 tools, applications and web sites that can be incorporated into activities and/or projects. Although some posts may not be applicable to your content area or grade level, be sure to check back often as I will be varying ideas in order to provide resources across the K-12 curriculum.

Be sure to add this awesome tool to your tech-box!

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