One Word: Sixty Second Prompt Generator
One Word is a quick and simple to use writing prompt generator. How does it work? The user clicks “go” on the One Word homepage and they are presented with a randomly generated word. Users then have sixty seconds to write in the text box provided about whatever that particular word inspires until time is up.
Students need an account to use the online version of One Word; otherwise, they will be unable to submit their entries. Users also have the capability of viewing what others have written by selecting the “read” link; however, there does not seem to be a filter for profanity, so please use this section of the site with caution.
Classroom Connection:
One Word can be utilized to prompt free-response writing in your classroom in the form of a “Do Now”, “Bell Ringer”, “Warm-up” and/or “When you’re finished…” activity to strengthen vocabulary and writing skills. An instructional strategy like this can also build creative fluency and flexibility.
If you do not wish to use the actual web site with students, you could still use the One Word concept by projecting a word to your interactive whiteboard or screen. Better yet—incorporate this idea with your own content-related vocabulary words!
As an extension activity, students could create an old school journal or a digital book with the collection of various entries used during One Word activities.