Edutech for Teachers

Cool Tools for the 21st Century Classroom

My Daily Journal


If you’re looking for a digital journal, you may have to search no further than one of the newest contenders—My Daily Journal.  This app, recently ranked #1 among iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch journals, is the perfect solution for recording one’s thoughts in an electronic format.

Packing in functionality and customization, My Daily Journal contains a variety of pretty neat  features. For example, the app permits multiple entries per day as well as entries for past dates or for future activities. Photos can even be added as a backdrop to each entry for additional inspiration and exciting personalization.  In addition, users can also select from 15 different custom handwriting inspired fonts and seven different cover colors and paper styles to create over 50 journal looks.

My Daily Journal also has several options to quickly share entries—via email (as text or PDF) as well as Facebook or Twitter.  Other important features of this app include the ability to back up entries in the “cloud” and password protection, something no digital journal should go without.

So, how did I find out about this “cool tool”?  One of my students—who happens to be my nephew—used this app to create a diary about his recent trip to Florida.  OK, I will admit that I gave him the assignment of keeping a daily account of his activities, but this “digital native” thought of using My Daily Journal on the iPad as a 21st Century way to tell his story!  The best part—he was so proud to share his creation with his classmates and me! Gotta love it!

Check out an example of one of Blake’s journal pages below.

Classroom Connection:

Journal writing is an incredibly flexible instructional tool, useful across the entire curriculum.  With that said, if you’re fortunate enough to have mobile devices in your classroom, My Daily Journal could be an excellent alternative to traditional pencil-paper journal writing—one that could certainly motivate students to write!

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Be sure to add this awesome tool to your tech-box!

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