Edutech for Teachers

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Print Custom Sticky Notes with Google Slides


Check out this flashback from about one year ago that includes an extra bonus—An image of actual customized sticky notes I created and printed as a result of participating in Tony Vincent’s Classy Graphics Online Workshop. Maybe you missed the class, but you don’t have to miss out on this useful resource so be sure to read on…

What do you get when you combine sticky notes with Google Slides? A super cool idea from Tony Vincent that shows teachers how to create customized messages for all kinds of classroom uses: Personalized notes, reminders, to do lists, paper tweets, exit tickets, motivational remarks and more!

There’s even a wicked awesome template for generating sticky notes containing customized avatars using the Bitmoji Chrome extension.

Get the scoop, including step-by-step instructions, design tips and templates, by visiting the Learning in Hand blog right here, right now!

In the meantime, check out this instructional video demonstrating how educators can make this concept happen!

Check out the examples I created as one of my projects for the Classy Graphics Online Workshop… (Yep, that means you can do it too!)

Here’s how these particular notes can be used…

  • Twitter: Way to collect feedback from students regarding a lesson, project, discussion, etc.
  • You’ve Got This: Note of encouragement for students and/or colleagues
  • Cool Vibes Only: Note of encouragement for students and/or colleagues
  • Get ‘Er Done: To Do List
  • Tech-Knowledge-y Lives Here: Way of sharing my edtech blog with others
  • #OneSmallThing: Another teacher (Mr. Trexler) and I are promoting this concept in my District (which reinforces the importance of being kind) so we are planning to use this sticky note in our Media Center Kindness Challenge as a way for students to share how they have demonstrated kindness to others.

Classroom Connection:

As simple as they are, sticky notes are powerful educational tools that can motivate and inspire students before, during and after all sorts of classroom activities that span the K-12 curriculum.

Use the resources found within the Learning in Hand blog post to create personalized learning experiences for your students.

A high five to Tony for giving me the thumbs up to highlight his innovative idea on my space!

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2 Comments to

“Print Custom Sticky Notes with Google Slides”

  1. December 12th, 2018 at 7:58 pm       Joe Ellis Says:

    Hello! I think that personalized sticky notes are a very cool idea and they seem fairly easy to create. I agree with your assessment that they can be a powerful tool in the classroom and can be a powerful visual model for the whole class to see. A thought that I had after reading this blog was to create color coordinated sticky notes to notify the class of different messages. For example, a green sticky note with a message might be a reward message, whereas a yellow might be a “slow down and think about your actions” message. These are just a few ideas but I think establishing the norms of what the students should expect when given a sticky note are very important. Another idea would simply be quick notes to put on students work to notify them when they have done well or have something to work on. Customizable and easily changeable sticky notes can have a number of desired effects on the students and can increase their enjoyment of class by the insertion of pop culture images onto the printed sticks. You could even include one every couple of weeks of a student’s favorite quote or a picture of a favorite movie character as a way to change the mood of the classroom. This is a good resource and I thank you for passing it on! Joe

  2. March 10th, 2019 at 9:36 am       edutech4teachers Says:

    Thank you very much for the positive feedback! Appreciate it!

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